Domande Frequenti
Per quali servizi posso rivolgermi a lei?
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Quali metodi di pagamento accetta?
Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.
è l'avvocato giusto per le mie necessità?
Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.
Come posso restare informato sul mio caso?
Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.
Come posso contattarla?
Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.
Ho bisogno di un avvocato?
Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.
Come viene determinata la custodia di un minore?
Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.
Quanto tempo occorre per una causa di divorzio?
Che cos'è la custodia legale?
Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.
Avvocato Federica Di Persio
Abilitata all'esercizio della professione iscritta all'Albo
Oltre 10 anni di esperienza
Dal 2011 attività forense civile e penale
Studi e certificazioni
Sono in continuo aggiornamento per poter offrire un servizio all'altezza delle tue aspettative